Home / News / Making the Transfers at Orick — Stranding Coordinator meets with NMMC Hospital Director

Making the Transfers at Orick — Stranding Coordinator meets with NMMC Hospital Director

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Lynda Stockton, the NMMC’s long serving Stranding Coordinator has a tough job. Whenever anyone in the two counties of Del Norte and Humboldt call in a potentially injured pinniped it is Lynda who takes in all the information and alerts all NMMC volunteers. She coordinates the response effort and more often than not ends up driving to meet Del Norte volunteers for a ‘transfer’ at the Orick US Forest Service Headquarters building. In the photos below Lynda and Janet Dickey, Volunteer Hospital Director, are seen in the process of transferring a young CSL pup rescued from the freshwater lagoon by CPS Ranger Carrie.

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